Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Another reason to love Japan... Beer

わたしはビールがすきです。I also brew my own when I can. にほんのビールはおいしいです。わたしはさっぽろとあさひとおりおんときりんがすきです。These mainstream beers use about 30% rice which gives the beer its crisp and refreshing taste. ちいさなビールじょうぞうしょもあります。Japanese craft beer is called じビール("local beer") or more recently クラフトビア。The best I have had, so far, is Hitachino Nest red rice ale. 

I would also like to get one of those gigantic cans of beer in the lower left of this picture... 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Why Japanese?

     I can thank both of my older brothers for exposing me to Japanese culture. My oldest brother has been obsessed with film and television for as long as I can remember. He would always find the most brilliant movies from cultures all over the world. This started my own obsession with Japanese cinema, especially from the 60's and 70's. I was utterly fascinated by the culture I saw in these films.
     My other brother ended up stationed in Iwakuni at a US Marine base and had great stories of a wonderful people. But more importantly he brought me back a book that profoundly impacted my life, Taiko by Eiji Yoshikawa. It is a wonderful story of humanity.
     I have taken an elementary Japanese course at community college prior to coming to Columbia, and it is a good thing I did. We move much faster here at Columbia and I am glad to have a base of knowledge to draw upon. But as intensive as it feels, I feel I am learning more than ever.
     I look forward to supplementing my school learning with the availability of Japanese cinema, past and present, here in NYC. It is not uncommon for Akira Kurosawa films to play, and I would love to see them on the big screen. 

