Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Another reason to love Japan... Beer

わたしはビールがすきです。I also brew my own when I can. にほんのビールはおいしいです。わたしはさっぽろとあさひとおりおんときりんがすきです。These mainstream beers use about 30% rice which gives the beer its crisp and refreshing taste. ちいさなビールじょうぞうしょもあります。Japanese craft beer is called じビール("local beer") or more recently クラフトビア。The best I have had, so far, is Hitachino Nest red rice ale. 

I would also like to get one of those gigantic cans of beer in the lower left of this picture... 


  1. オリオン ビール は すき です〜! でも じビール は のみませんでした。 どこ に アンドルさん は のみましたか。

    (Also, I propose that you make beer for a class project ^___^)

  2. I've been so busy lately I have not had time to find anywhere with a good selection of Japanese beer. あなたはどこおしっていますか。
    Also, next time I go home I will bring back my equipment. Most Japanese beers are lagers, which take months to ferment, but we can make a rice ale that would take just over a month...
