Tuesday, February 28, 2012

音楽は世界を救うことができますか?How can music save the world?

先週私はとてもおもしろいにほんのえいがおみました。なまえはFish Storyです。Netflix streamingでみました。それはすこしきみょうでおもしろかったでした。私は日本映画をたくさんすきですが、さいきんではすこし"hyper-stylized"です。でも、このえいがはとてもたのしかったです。みてください。

Seriously, this movie is great! It has everything: Japanese punk rock, action, love, bravery, humanity, fallibility, a comet threatening the Earth, and even a hysterical running joke about interpretation and translation of English and Japanese language.

Watch the Trailer below!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Composition #1

わたしのいちばんすきなドイツのレストランへいっしょにかなければなりません。なまえはZum Schneiderです。おくないビアガーデンです。いろいろで、おいしいビールがたくさんあります。そして、ドイツのたべものはとてもおいしいです。レストランはとてもにぎやかですが、たのしいです。

Andrew Lynch.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

About Communication.

What I expect to learn from the Podcast Project.
- I expect to learn a little bit about the interests of my classmates and other students of Japanese.
- I expect to learn about culture: Japanese and others.
- I may even learn a little more with regards to the Japanese language.
- I will probably learn a bit about podcasting, a form of communication I have never worked with before.
- I expect to learn something completely random through a link found on the side of a youtube page. Probably about someone's dog or baby.

What communication means to me.
- I understand communication as the transfer, expression, and exploration of concepts and ideas.
- Communication does not have to be merely words. One can express their ideas in nearly endless ways.
- Literature, cinema, poetry, comics (or graphic novels if you prefer), video games, television, music, technical   or instructional writing and manuals, conversation, letters, e-mails, podcasts, twitter, facebook, the internet in
  general, textbooks, advertisements, threat displays, facial expressions.
- Any sort of product serves as communication. Beer, liquor, cars, motorcycles, clothing, signage, pictures, photographs, paintings, colors, symbols, sounds, even a picturesque landscape.
- I suppose anything that serves to interface between a person and something or someone else.

Are you surprised that I worked beer into this post? Probably not... And do you know why? Previous communication.

I am now done communicating.